Millennials: This is Our Time

Chelsea Burns
3 min readMay 31, 2020


My fellow millennials. This is our time. It is time to take control of the change that must happen in the world to come. While we must seek out the unbiased history stories to create this better world, we cannot wait to take action. The mistakes of the past can be our guide but the vision of the future requires immediate attention. Why us?… Why not us? We are no longer children. We are adults who are beginning to hold positions of leadership and accumulate our own wealth. We are the generation who is building the networks that make this world more interconnected and efficient. Our fellow millennial entrepreneurs have seen grand exits of unimaginable value. These companies are shifting the way humans interact in this world.

In a time when our country is crippled by debt, racial injustice, and inequality it is easy to feel paralyzed. Last night as I watched my city burn in real time, I felt a plethora of emotions: anger, frustration, fear, and guilt. As a person of privilege I think it’s normal to feel a bit lost. Yet, being part of the Pipeline Angels’ network has taught me some important lessons. For example, we must not apologize for our privilege but rather use it as a means to change the current system. During the Pipeline Angels’ bootcamp, everyone went around the table to tell their money story. I had stressed over this moment the whole weekend as I figured I would be judged as this young white woman who gained access to this table through inheritance. However, the reaction I received from this group of extremely powerful, diverse women was quite the opposite. They said “what you have is what we are working to build for our children. We too want intergenerational wealth within our communities. Do not be ashamed. Fight to help us get there.”

The enormity of the problem is real. As individuals we cannot tackle every piece of the system. This would leave us feeling burnt out and defeated. Rather, as individuals we can make decisions within the framework of our own lives that can advance our mission forward. As we ascend the corporate ladders and secure positions of leadership in the private and public domain, we must adjust policies and language to build more inclusive workplaces. We must demand equal pay and offer it to our employees. We must not be afraid to calculate our worth and then negotiate for a raise based on the terms we have thoughtfully analyzed. We must meet, virtually or in person, and mentor each other. We must show interest in each other and brainstorm, not because it will advance our careers or line our pockets, but because a diversity of backgrounds and experiences produces innovative solutions. Lastly, we must take control of our financial futures and we must invest in a world that is cleaner, equitable, and just.

Millennials, we are the generation who will see the greatest wealth transfer of all time, yet simultaneously we will hold a burden of dependency from the generations above us that will need our support in retirement. The future rests on our shoulders and the products, systems, and networks we build today will shape the world in twenty years.

If you are a millennial with privilege, money, power, or influence I highly encourage you to seek out and get involved with the networks that are working to close the societal gaps. If you are an accredited investor, Pipeline Angels, Next Wave Impact, Impulse4Women, and this resource are a few places to start. However, privilege is not only about writing checks and investing. Social capital is king, queen, and the regal they and people of privilege many times underestimate its power. Sending one email to someone in your network has the ability to shift a system. Thus, I call on you my millennial friends. Let’s all take a five minute break from Instagram. Let’s donate our time, leverage our networks, offer our skills and expertise, and build something awesome!



Chelsea Burns

Consultant with a decade of experience in the water and energy efficiency space. Impact investor passionate about climatetech, fintech, & gender lens investing.